Black Bird Bookstore

Friday Night

“We're all ghosts. We all carry, inside us, people who came before us.” 
- Liam Callanan 'The Cloud Atlas'
I recently spent a late evening listening to ghost stories; the kind that make your skin crawl and the shadows morph into shapes around you. Being from New Orleans, it felt familiar and yet a new feeling came to me -- comfort. At a time when fear is hawked like our country and our culture are on sale, a good ghost story can be a reminder of the layers of what is reality. To me, this allows room for hope and also creativity. Perhaps this is what we are connecting to when we costume and play in the dark: possibility. 
Upcoming Events
Analog Night 
Friday Oct 28
Tunnel Records is back to share an evening of music, books and community. Drinks provided by Juneshine
7- 10pm // free and open to all
Storytime + Costumes
Saturday Oct 29
Join us in costume! Mimi will be singing songs and bringing fun as we celebrate Halloween.  
9:30am // free and open to all