Black Bird Bookstore

Spend the Weekend at Black Bird

As we round out our 5th year of Black Bird in the Outer Sunset, we are excited by so many opportunities to connect in-person and feel the village vibes. May is in full bloom at Black Bird. 
First, though, a moment for mothers.
'But behind all your stories is your mother's story, for hers is where yours begins.' 
Mitch Albom, For One More Day
art installation by Georgia Hodges
Grand Opening Party + Art Celebration.
Friday May 6th, 6-8pm: Finally we are ready to swing both the front doors open to celebrate our new digs. We have felt such a tidal wave of community support throughout the pandemic, the move to Irving, and the first weeks of being open, we want to thank you right back. Let's gather (with masks please) this Friday evening. 
>>>>>Art talk with Jamae Tasker and Georgia Hodges
     >>>>Readings by Nahyun Kim and others
          >>>Drinks by Oakland's Redfield Cider Bar & Bottle Shop
art by Jamae Tasker @mamaladysmix
Storytime on Saturdays.
Saturday May 7 9:30am: Stories in the backyard with the ever masterful and Sunset local Olive the Storyteller.
Saturday May 14 9:30am: Local author Emma Bland Smith reads from her new book The Gardener of Alcatraz as well as her other beloved books including Claude: The True Story of a White Alligator.
Looking for gift ideas? We have them for you.