Black Bird Bookstore

Griffin Moskowitz: Looking and Seeing, Seeing and Looking

Staff: Griffin Moskowitz, bookseller
Book: Looking and Seeing, Seeing and Looking by Truong Tran and Damon Potter
Griffin's Literary Style: “I enjoy reading books that are not simple. Books that are complicated in nature simply by nature of their subject.”

"That's kind of what this book is: looking at the truth, whether or not it's comfortable." - Griffin

Looking and Seeing, Seeing and Looking brings together different perspectives under two titles, considering the lives and experiences of two friends, one Vietnamese American and one white.
Griffin is a poet and writer who studied under Truong at Mills College, where they received their MFA in Creative Writing. Griffin says she and Truong have similar reading and writing styles: “We’re both interested in the truth. Even if it’s ugly, we still want to look at it.” You can find Griffin bookselling (and drinking the new seasonal Honey Vanilla Lavender Latte) here at Black Bird with their dog Teddy by their side.
Looking and Seeing/Seeing and Looking