Black Bird Bookstore

FAACTS Meet-and-Greet on Food Systems in SF

Learn about and get involved in decolonizing our food system. Meet SF’s Food And Agriculture Action Coalition Toward Sovereignty for a meet-and-greet (with food!) in our backyard.

The Food and Agriculture Action Coalition Toward Sovereignty (FAACTS) was formed in 2022 when 30 local partner organizations identified the need to protect citywide food access programming, and ensure consistent and equitable access to high quality, local, fresh, and culturally-inclusive food and nutrition services in San Francisco. Their mission is to build a just, sustainable, and holistic food system, ensuring we are neighborhood-based and coordinated across every district in SF, with the goal of nourishing our community in a way that is sincere, healthy, empowering, specific, culturally relevant, humble, and abundant. Since its inception, FAACTS has achieved significant milestones, including:
    • Preserving $75 million in funding for citywide food access programming
    • Organizing the first-ever SF Food Action Summit where over 200 people started on a path to create a good food system
    • Empowered hospitality industry workers through a Worker’s Rights Training co-hosted with The Women’s Building and Trabajadores Unidos
      FAACTS invites you to join in their efforts to build a good food system together! At their upcoming FAACTS Snacks meeting in our beautiful backyard, you will learn how you can get involved with:
        • Advocating for food sovereignty in the SF budget
        • Mutual Aid & Infrastructure efforts to get us through a hungry Summer
        • Highlighting policy at the state level that reflects and supports SF's food priorities 
      Light snacks and drinks will be provided.